1. Tallinn:
Place: Hotel G9
在booking.com 預訂
single room with private bathroom, without breakfast, 29Euro
comment: clean, quiet, 好有宜家Feel,位於舊城外, 方便, 靠近大型超市(Viru)
2. Tartu
single room with private bathroom, without breakfast 28Euro
comment: 離巴士站都有20分鐘路程, 非常安全, Clean, quiet, 房內有廚房
3. Viljandi
Place: Hostel Ingeri
double bed with private bathroom , without breakfast, 27Euro
comment: 在 i-information center對面, 位於鎮的中心地區, 舒服, clean,
4. Riga
Place: Riga Cirkus (booking.com)
single room included breakfast 28Euro, shared bathroom, 但有廁所在房裡
comment: 裝修就較舊, 只有一位唔多識講英文的老太太管理, 早餐送到房內,
早餐都不錯 , 位置一條大街內的小橫街, 橫街較髒
5. Klaipeda
Place: LITiNTERP gusest house
但由於festival已滿, 但他們仍幫我找了另一家民宿.
Single room shared bathroom with breakfast 100Lt 約33Euro
comment: very good for sleep. very good breakfast, 可惜地點較遠
6. Kaunas
50Lt single room shared bathroom 大約16歐一晚, without breakfast
所謂shared bathroom 其實只是跟隔離的單人房共用.
comment: 非常寧靜, 乾淨, 連手洗間和浴室都非常乾淨,
地點就在舊城的市政廳廣場後小小的地方, 由大巴總站要坐trolleybus才到.
7. Vilnius
Place: "LlTiNTERP" Guest House
single room private bathroom with breakfast 110Lt (32Euro)
comment: good location at old town, good for sleep
11日的旅行, 大約每天27歐